Saturday 16 February 2013

Digipack -- Pictures

When creating my Digipack i had to choose three pictures that would represent my artist . These pictures we took ourselves in a photo shoot we organised . The reason why i chose my front cover photo is because is shows the artist in performance mode , while emphasising her bright red lips , this brings the attraction to her lips using voyeurism to appeal to the audience . The picture is also a mid shot of the artist so you are able to see the artist in a surrounding and not just a close up .  In this photo the artist is looking down this has connotations of reflection of the artist looking back on the memories and events behind the lyrics of the album . 

I chose my second picture for the inside as it  looks good double the size of the width , as the image inside is cover two sections . The artist is laying down so cover two section of the inside makes the Digipack flow more and connect the images . This image is more natural then the other photos and represents the artist in a different view to the audience , which helps show the artist in a vulnerable and open up more to the fans . 

My final photo i chose relates back to the first image of the artist looking down , but also because the way the artist is posing in this picture relates back to voyeurism , the leg is arched over her other leg showing skin , placing her hands on her legs immediately brings the audiences attention to her in a sexual way . 

These three images all show the artist in different views , this opens the artist up to the audience as well as crating a variation of images . 

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