Tuesday 19 March 2013

Kate Nash Website

Kate Nash Official Website

This is our website we created for our artist Kate Nash . Everything on this website we created and made ourselves from photos , to our videos and merchandise . I used other artists website as inspiration such as Katy Perry (which i analysed on the blog). We interact with the audience , by using competitions , a shop to view merchandise and a video blog from the artist . While using the advantages of social networking like twitter and facebook to interact with the audience .

We both worked together on the website

Friday 8 March 2013

DigiPack final

Front cover:

Lyric scheet: The shape of this page is different because it is designed to be folded in half as a lyric sheet for the Digipack (extra pages).


 Back cover:

Friday 1 March 2013

Website Analysis -- Kate Nash

I looked back on the original artist website to look at how she is represented  , Kate hash's website is quite plain compared to our website . Simple images and a plain white background really capture the attention to the artist , this links to pinks website and how she used a black background to bring the attention to her . This websites also has a header so you are able to chose which page you wish to be on , however this website is not an interactive as we have made ours . the home page lets you flick through photos of the artist and has an automatic slide show giving information about the artist to the audience . The websites gives you access to tickets , tour dates , merchandise and other accessories to the artist . While over viewing different websites it is clear that the websites all contain tour dates , ticket sales and merchandise and we made sure to include in our website production to make sure we capture this authentic representation of all these artists . 

Thursday 28 February 2013

Website Analysis -- P!nk

P!nk website analysis , p!nk's website is very interactive , you able to be connected with the artist through live twitter feeds to see her updates swell as viewing where she has just performed , showing clips and images of her . WWhile keeping up to date on her new achievements , such as her latest music videos , awards one and her tours. you can purchase tickets from her website as well as merchandise for fans . P!nks website layout is quite simple , you can chose pages from the top header from news to her gallery . The main focus in on the back ground image of her , she stands out because the back ground is black and the only colour is of her and her name 'P!nk'. underneath the header is an interactive box to click play and watch her music video , under this you see her live twitter feed , also in pink and the just below that is showing more of videos , photos and fan activity on the website , so you are able to be in contact with other p!nks fans . I chose to analyse this website as the concept are similar to my ideas , with the header at the top letting you pick what page you wish to go to , as well as the interactive music video on the home page . 

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Website update

After coming to the end of creating our website we came across a difficulty , our background was not letting us stretch out our images and connect the back ground as when we created the website lay out the header was cut separately to the back ground . We chose to over come this by changing the layout , even though it may have been at the last minute it was for the better of our website . Our website layout is now a lot different but at a better standard and we are able to change and add more images to the back ground . 

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Progress Update 2

After the robbery at school we lost all our macs with our work on them . Luckily we had a back up of our work however it made the clips out of sync and we had to re edit all of our green screens . This bump in the road  made us fall back on our work as we had to re edit a lot of our work However we over came this by changing shots to make them look better and gave us more time to change our green screens due to technical fault. It took time to get all new Macs set up and programmes installed but we are now up to date on our editing and website . Getting used to the new functions was a bit difficult but we were able to make it work and use the new technology to our advantage. Unfortunately we are not able to edit on the new Macs as the software is different so we have to use the older Macs which is not ideal as they are slow but we are making progress with the music video . 

Saturday 16 February 2013

Digipack -- Pictures

When creating my Digipack i had to choose three pictures that would represent my artist . These pictures we took ourselves in a photo shoot we organised . The reason why i chose my front cover photo is because is shows the artist in performance mode , while emphasising her bright red lips , this brings the attraction to her lips using voyeurism to appeal to the audience . The picture is also a mid shot of the artist so you are able to see the artist in a surrounding and not just a close up .  In this photo the artist is looking down this has connotations of reflection of the artist looking back on the memories and events behind the lyrics of the album . 

I chose my second picture for the inside as it  looks good double the size of the width , as the image inside is cover two sections . The artist is laying down so cover two section of the inside makes the Digipack flow more and connect the images . This image is more natural then the other photos and represents the artist in a different view to the audience , which helps show the artist in a vulnerable and open up more to the fans . 

My final photo i chose relates back to the first image of the artist looking down , but also because the way the artist is posing in this picture relates back to voyeurism , the leg is arched over her other leg showing skin , placing her hands on her legs immediately brings the audiences attention to her in a sexual way . 

These three images all show the artist in different views , this opens the artist up to the audience as well as crating a variation of images . 

Thursday 24 January 2013

inspirational music videos

A influential music video that has contributed key ideas to help create and develop our music video is by Marina and the diamonds - Primadonna . This music video gave us inspirations due to the key themes of a vintage feel as well as the bright and bold colours on her make up and clothing . Marina is a very unique artist , so by listening to her music and certainly watching a music video you can tell it is her . This music video specifically captures a vintage theme of old props , e.g. chandeliers , old grand beds , silk and her locations (which is set in a big old mansion ) . The use of editing in this music video represents a more of a rough view , as though some of the footage is being filmed by the camera , by doing this the music video creates a ‘homemade’ idea and makes the video seem less Hollywood , contradicting to the mise en scene. Marina’s image in this music video is very ‘cartoonish’ , bright lipstick , thick eyelashes , hard placed hair , all of these factors help capture her star image and promote her music . Our group music video aspire to this because of how we want to represent our artist , the bright lips , colourful clothes and a vintage and down to earth feel . As well as this the music video is still very glamorous but in a subtle and fashionable way . Another inspirations from this music video was Marinas persona , she gives off a innocence and cute vibe but as the music changes she gives off a lot more attitude and becomes a lot more sassy , which we will include in our music video because it relates to the lyrics as well as the star image .

Thursday 10 January 2013

Rihanna -- DigiPack

I chose to analyse Rihanna's Digipack because the main focus is the artist , the close up of her face and the stretched full body image of her captures the voyeurism of her persona that the label is trying to give of the artist . The bold bright colours really stand out , especially the bright red lipstick which is a key element in my music video as it attracts the audience to her lips , which shows connotations of seduction , as thought the artist is seducing the audience into listening . The colour red is not only on Rhianna's lips but also on her hair and roses used in the background. The colour red has connotations of love and lust , this appeals more to the audience as it shows the affectionate side of Rihanna.
The CD has a picture of rose petals on it which links back to the main themes of the digipack using the roses . Roses have connotations of fragile and love which relates to the image of Rihanna and her persona she is trying to give off.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Katy Perry -- Digipack

Katy Perry's Digipack is an inspiration to my ideas for my Digipack as the use of colours and bold images really captures the audiences attention especially the fans of Katy Perry . The use of images of the artist represent the artist in different captions , for example the image of Katy Perry looking out to the audience holding her chest uses voyeurism to capture the audiences attention , while the other images are not as close but still capture Katy Perry's full image and sexual attraction . The bright bold colours link to Katy Perry' persona yet it also links to many idea to how i have chosen to represent my artist . We tried to use many bright bold colours on our artist not only in images and in our music video but also on the website creating a happy unique artist.