Tuesday 23 October 2012

Director research - Melina Matsoukas

 I chose the director Melina Matsoukas  , as her work is very unique and popular , she works with big artist such as Rhianna , Beyonce , Ludacris etc . My favourite music video she directed is We found love by Rhianna . We found love topped the charts in twenty-five countries including Ireland , New Zealand , Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It also attained top five positions in Australia , Belgium and the Czech republic and peaked in the top ten of charts in twenty-nine countries world wide, becoming one of the most successful songs in 2011 and 2012, worldwide the single has sold 6.3 million copies making it one of the best selling singles of all time. After working with Rhianna on this music video she then also directed more of her videos such as S&M and You da one . Melina Matsoukas work is described as ' chalk full' of bright colours or crisp black and white images ( as seen in You da one by Rhianna) , smooth spotlights and a tasteful retro video models. Melina Matsoukas says that ' expensive equipment is not necessary for a quality video and one should never think that way: a good video has the right visuals , as well as a conceptualized story and should be exciting and elicit reaction'.

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