Wednesday 24 October 2012

Inspirational music videos 2

I chose this Music video because firstly Lily Allen is an inspiration for a music choice and whole persona of the character and music video but also because of the style of it. Lily Allen is a unique London styled girl, compared to the glitz and glam of Hollywood and that is the same for the star we created. The use of bright colours, clothing, make up etc. in the music stands out contrasting to the locations in the music video, for example the café, on the street and at home. This links to our music video and we use a bus stop, bar, a bedroom and a car for different location, these locations are very simple to emphasize the reality of the characters, rather than a huge Hollywood action music video. The use of simplistic and realistic locations captures the narrative as well because the narrative and lyrics are about heart break and wanting revenge on a past relationship and since that is a very common feeing after heart break, people can relate to this music video a lot more.

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